复活节有哪些传统活动 复活节有什么庆祝活动英语
- 作者: 万年历小编
- 来源:万年历网
- 时间:2024-07-17
1、Risus Paschalis 笑Paschalis
This strange custom originated in Bavaria in the fifteenth century. The priest inserted in his sermon funny stories which would cause his hearers to laugh (Osterm?rlein), e.g. a de ion of how the devil tries to keep the doors of hell locked against the descending Christ. Then the speaker would draw the moral from the story. This Easter laughter, giving rise to grave abuses of the word of God, was prohibited by Clement X (1670-1676) and in the eighteenth century by Maximilian III and the bishops of Bavaria (Wagner, De Risu Paschali, K?nigsberg, 1705; Linsemeier, Predigt in Deutschland, Munich, 1886).
这个奇怪的习俗起源于15世纪的巴伐利亚。牧师在他的布道中插入一些有趣的故事,这些故事会让他的听众发笑(Osterm?rlein),例如,描述魔鬼如何试图锁住地狱的门,不让耶稣降临。然后演讲者会从故事中引出寓意。这种复活节的笑声,导致了对上帝话语的严重滥用,被克莱门特十世(1670-1676)禁止,在18世纪由马克西米利安三世和巴伐利亚的主教(瓦格纳,德里苏帕斯查里,K?nigsberg, 1705;Linsemeier, Predigt在德国,慕尼黑,1886年)。
2、Easter Eggs 复活节彩蛋
Because the use of eggs was forbidden during Lent, they were brought to the table on Easter Day, coloured red to symbolize the Easter joy. This custom is found not only in the Latin but also in the Oriental Churches. The symbolic meaning of a new creation of mankind by Jesus risen from the dead was probably an invention of later times. The custom may have its origin in paganism, for a great many pagan customs, celebrating the return of spring, gravitated to Easter. The egg is the emblem of the germinating life of early spring. Easter eggs, the children are told, come from Rome with the bells which on Thursday go to Rome and return Saturday morning. The sponsors in some countries give Easter eggs to their god-children. Coloured eggs are used by children at Easter in a sort of game which consists in testing the strength of the shells (Kraus, Real-Encyklop die, s. v. Ei). Both coloured and uncoloured eggs are used in some parts of the United States for this game, known as "egg-picking". Another practice is the "egg-rolling" by children on Easter Monday on the lawn of the White House in Washington.
因为大斋节期间禁止使用鸡蛋,所以复活节那天人们就把鸡蛋端上餐桌,并涂上红色,象征复活节的欢乐。这一习俗不仅在拉丁,而且在东方教堂。耶稣从死里复活创造人类的象征意义可能是后来的发明。这个习俗可能起源于异教,因为许多异教的习俗都是为了庆祝春天的回归而被吸引到复活节。蛋是早春萌动生命的象征。孩子们被告知,复活节彩蛋和钟一起从罗马来,星期四运到罗马,星期六早上回来。一些国家的赞助者给他们的教子们彩蛋。复活节的时候,孩子们用彩色的鸡蛋做一种测试蛋壳强度的游戏(Kraus, realencyklop die, s.v . Ei)。在美国的一些地区,有颜色和没有颜色的鸡蛋都被用来玩这个游戏,被称为“捡蛋”。另一项活动是复活节星期一孩子们在华盛顿白宫的草坪上“滚蛋”。
3、The Easter Rabbit复活节兔子
The Easter Rabbit lays the eggs, for which reason they are hidden in a nest or in the garden. The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility (Simrock, Mythologie, 551).
复活节兔子下蛋,因此蛋被藏在窝里或花园里。兔子是异教的象征,一直是生育的象征(Simrock, Mythologie, 551)。
In France handball playing was one of the Easter amusements, found also in Germany (Simrock, op. cit., 575). The ball may represent the sun, which is believed to take three leaps in rising on Easter morning. Bishops, priests, and monks, after the strict discipline of Lent, used to play ball during Easter week (Beleth, Expl. Div. off., 120). This was called libertas Decembrica, because formerly in December, the masters used to play ball with their servants, maids, and shepherds. The ball game was connected with a dance, in which even bishops and abbots took part. At Auxerre, Besancon, etc. the dance was performed in church to the strains of the "Victimae paschali". In England, also, the game of ball was a favourite Easter sport in which the municipal corporation engaged with due parade and dignity. And at Bury St. Edmunds, within recent years, the game was kept up with great spirit by twelve old women. After the game and the dance a banquet was given, during which a homily on the feast was read. All these customs disappeared for obvious reasons (Kirchenlex., IV, 1414).
在法国手球比赛是复活节娱乐之一,也发现在德国(Simrock,同上,575)。这个球可能代表着太阳,人们相信在复活节的早晨,太阳要跳三次才能升起。主教,牧师和僧侣,在大斋节的严格纪律之后,过去常常在复活节期间玩球(Beleth, exl。Div.。, 120)。这被称为十二月的自由,因为以前在十二月,主人们常常和他们的仆人、女仆和牧羊人一起玩球。球赛与舞蹈有关,连主教和方丈都参加了。在欧塞尔、贝桑松等地,人们在教堂里随着《牺牲者》的曲调跳舞。在英国,球类运动也是最受欢迎的复活节运动,市政公司在这项运动中有应有的风度和尊严。最近几年,在伯里圣埃德蒙兹,有12个老妇人兴致盎然地继续玩这种游戏。在游戏和舞会之后举行了宴会,在宴会上宣读了一篇关于宴会的布道。所有这些习俗的消失都有明显的原因(Kirchenlex。, iv, 1414)。
5、Men and women男人和女人
On Easter Monday the women had a right to strike their husbands, on Tuesday the men struck their wives, as in December the servants scolded their masters. Husbands and wives did this "ut ostendant sese mutuo debere corrigere, ne illo tempore alter ab altero thori debitum exigat" (Beleth, I, c. cxx; Durandus, I, c. vi, 86). In the northern parts of England the men parade the streets on Easter Sunday and claim the privilege of lifting every woman three times from the ground, receiving in payment a kiss or a silver sixpence. The same is done by the women to the men on the next day. In the Neumark (Germany) on Easter Day the men servants whip the maid servants with switches; on Monday the maids whip the men. They secure their release with Easter eggs. These customs are probably of pre-Christian origin (Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Das festliche Jahr, 118).
在复活节的星期一,妇女有权打她们的丈夫,在星期二,男人有权打他们的妻子,就像在十二月,仆人们责骂他们的主人一样。丈夫和妻子们这样做:“ut boendant sese mutuo debere corrigere, ne illo tempore alter ab altero thori debitum exigat”(Beleth, I, c. cxx;杜伦杜斯,我,c. vi, 86)。在英格兰北部的复活节,男人们会在街上游行,宣称他们有权把每个女人从地上抱起三次,酬金是一个吻或一个六便士的银币。第二天,女人对男人做同样的事情。在纽马克(德国)复活节男仆人用鞭子抽打女仆;星期一,女仆鞭打男人。他们用复活节彩蛋把自己放了出来。这些习俗可能是前基督教起源(Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Das festliche Jahr, 118)。
6、The Easter Fire复活节之火
The Easter Fire is lit on the top of mountains (Easter mountain, Osterberg) and must be kindled from new fire, drawn from wood by friction (nodfyr); this is a custom of pagan origin in vogue all over Europe, signifying the victory of spring over winter. The bishops issued severe edicts against the sacrilegious Easter fires (Conc. Germanicum, a. 742, c.v.; Council of Lestines, a. 743, n. 15), but did not succeed in abolishing them everywhere. The Church adopted the observance into the Easter ceremonies, referring it to the fiery column in the desert and to the Resurrection of Christ; the new fire on Holy Saturday is drawn from flint, symbolizing the Resurrection of the Light of the World from the tomb closed by a stone (Missale Rom.). In some places a figure was thrown into the Easter fire, symbolizing winter, but to the Christians on the Rhine, in Tyrol and Bohemia, Judas the traitor (Reinsberg-Düringfeld, Das festliche Jahr, 112 sq.).
复活节之火是在山顶上点燃的(复活节山,Osterberg),必须用新的火点燃,通过摩擦从木材中吸取(nodfyr);这是一个起源于异教的习俗,在整个欧洲都很流行,象征着春天战胜了冬天。主教们颁布了严厉的法令,反对亵渎神明的复活节大火(Conc。Germanicum, a. 742, c.v.;莱斯丁会议,a. 743, n. 15),但没有成功废除他们各地。教会在复活节的仪式中采用了这个仪式,指的是沙漠中的火柱和基督的复活;圣周六的新火是从燧石中取出来的,象征着世界之光从被石头封闭的坟墓中复活(米萨莱罗)。在一些地方,一个人物被扔进复活节的火,象征冬天,但对基督徒在莱茵河,在蒂罗尔和波西米亚,叛徒犹大(Reinsberg-Düringfeld, Das festliche Jahr, 112平方)。
7、Processions and awakenings游行和觉醒
At Puy in France, from time immemorial to the tenth century, it was customary, when at the first psalm of Matins a canon was absent from the choir, for some of the canons and vicars, taking with them the processional cross and the holy water, to go to the house of the absentee, sing the "Haec Dies", sprinkle him with water, if he was still in bed, and lead him to the church. In punishment he had to give a breakfast to his conductors. A similar custom is found in the fifteenth century at Nantes and Angers, where it was prohibited by the diocesan synods in 1431 and 1448. In some parts of Germany parents and children try to surprise each other in bed on Easter morning to apply the health-giving switches (Freyde, Ostern in deutscher Sage, Sitte und Dichtung, 1893).
在法国的皮伊,从上古时代到十世纪,有一种习惯,每当唱晨祷的第一首赞美诗时,唱诗班中有一位牧师缺席,有些牧师和牧师就会带着行礼的十字架和圣水,到缺席的人家里去,唱《死吧!》,如果他还躺在床上,就在他身上洒点水,然后领他去教堂。作为惩罚,他必须请售票员吃早餐。类似的习俗是发现在十五世纪在南特和昂热,在那里被禁止的主教会议在1431年和1448年。在德国的一些地区,父母和孩子试图在复活节的早上给床上的对方一个惊喜,使用健康开关(Freyde, Ostern In deutscher Sage, Sitte und Dichtung, 1893)。
8、Blessing of food食物的祝福
In both the Oriental and Latin Churches, it is customary to have those victuals which were prohibited during Lent blessed by the priests before eating them on Easter Day, especially meat, eggs, butter, and cheese (Ritualbucher, Paderborn, 1904; Maximilianus, Liturg. or., 117). Those who ate before the food was blessed, according to popular belief, were punished by God, sometimes instantaneously (Migne, Liturgie, s.v. P&aicrc;ques).
在东方和拉丁教会,习惯上,在复活节吃之前,神父会祝福那些在大斋节期间被禁止的食物,尤其是肉、蛋、黄油和奶酪(Ritualbucher, Paderborn, 1904;Maximilianus Liturg。或。, 117)。那些吃之前的食物是祝福,根据流行的信仰,受到上帝的惩罚,有时是瞬间(Migne, Liturgie, s.v. P&aicrc;ques)。
9、House blessings家的祝福
On the eve of Easter the homes are blessed (Rit. Rom., tit. 8, c. iv) in memory of the passing of the angel in Egypt and the signing of the door-posts with the blood of the paschal lamb. The parish priest visits the houses of his parish; the papal apartments are also blessed on this day. The room, however, in which the pope is found by the visiting cardinal is blessed by the pontiff himself (Moroni, Dizionariq, s.v. Pasqua).
在复活节前夕,家家户户都受到祝福。罗问。8, c. iv)为了纪念天使在埃及的逝去,以及用逾越节羔羊的血在门柱上签名。教区牧师访问他所在教区的房屋;教皇的公寓也在这一天受到祝福。然而,在这个房间里,教皇被来访的红衣主教发现是由教皇本人(Moroni, Dizionariq, s.v Pasqua)祝福的。
10、Sports and celebrations运动和庆祝活动
The Greeks and Russians after their long, severe Lent make Easter a day of popular sports. At Constantinople the cemetery of Pera is the noisy rendezvous of the Greeks; there are music, dances, and all the pleasures of an Oriental popular resort; the same custom prevails in the cities of Russia. In Russia anyone can enter the belfries on Easter and ring the bells, a privilege of which many persons avail themselves.